Advertising and Unfair Competition

Our team provides counsel and support in all aspects of advertising and unfair competition law including:

Planning and implementation of advertising campaigns and sales activities of all kinds // Review and assessment of marketing strategies // Corporate Identity // Advice on Sweepstakes und Direct Marketing // Assessment and evaluation of claims, titles and trademarks // Legal advice regarding the use of pictures, photographs, texts, illustrations and videos // Advice and representation in all kinds of unfair competition matters, both extrajudicial and in court // Misleading advertising and marketing practices // Protection against product piracy // Know-how protection // Protection of trade and business secrets // Defense against third party claims related to advertising campaigns and activities // Defense against cease and desist letters // Protective measures against threatened preliminary injunctions // Protective briefs // Assistance and advice on legal consumer information requirements //Advice on marketing and labelling requirements pursuant to national and/or European laws, regulations or directives // Quick and effective enforcement of claims at trade fairs // Protection against counterfeit // Unfair commercial practices // Premiums, rebates and gifts // Comparative advertising // Protection against poaching of employees by competitors // Aggressive commercial practices // Preparation and review of terms and conditions of participation in competitions, price draws or special promotions // Advice on all aspects of product labelling (e.g., cosmetics, food, electronics, textiles, food supplements, spirits, etc.) // Consultancy re website and online shops content and disclosures // Negotiation, drafting and examination of production and agency agreements in relation to the production of commercials, adverts, campaigns or other marketing activities // Advice on all aspects and questions related to e-commerce