
Our team assists with all aspects of design protection and prosecution including: Strategic advice and administration of design portfolios // Filing design applications worldwide // Protection of creative works and achievements through design, competition and copyright law // Effective combating of counterfeit and product piracy // Collecting and securing evidence through searches, seizures and investigations // Enforcement of claims in court incl. preliminary injunction // Advice and representation in out-of-court matters // Quick and effective protection and enforcement at trade fairs// Protection against the importation of counterfeits and infringing goods through EU-wide border seizure // Representation in proceedings before the national courts, the General Court and the European Court of Justice // Proceedings before the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), the national Intellectual Property Offices and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) // Invalidity and cancellation proceedings // Protection of your Corporate Identity // Carrying out and evaluating prior art searches // Freedom to Operate Searches // Commercialization of design rights through licensing and merchandising // Negotiation and drafting of licenses and other design-related agreements // Purchase and assignment of designs and design portfolios