
Dr. Jan Schumacher

Partner, Certified Specialist in Intellectual Property Law

Jan Schumacher is a founding partner of our firm. He advises and represents national and international companies in all fields of intellectual property and unfair competition law. Before joining Teworte-Vey Simon Schumacher & Schumacher, Jan used to work at international law firms as well as IP boutique law firms in Cologne and Dusseldorf. Jan is a certified specialist in Intellectual Property law. He is author of several legal publications and holds lectures on various IP issues.

IP STARS, the leading specialist guide to IP law firms and practitioners worldwide, ranks Jan as a “Trade Mark Star” 2024. US publishing house Best Lawyers, in cooperation with German business newspaper Handelsblatt, also recognized him in its ‘Best Lawyers’ ranking among the leading individuals in Germany in the field of intellectual property law. German business news magazine WirtschaftsWoche has named him as one of the most recommended legal advisors in Germany for copyright law.

Since 2019 Partner at Teworte-Vey Simon Schumacher & Partner
2010–2019 Taylor Wessing, Dusseldorf
2007–2009 Jonas Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft, Cologne
2005–2007 Linklaters, Cologne
2005 Second State Exam (Higher Regional Court Cologne)
2004Doctoral Thesis, Dr. jur.
2001–2003 Academic Assistant at the Institute of Civil Law and Commercial Law, University of Cologne
2001 First State Exam (Cologne)
1998–2001 Law Studies, Cologne University
1996–1998 Law Studies, Saarland University

German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (GRUR)

European Communities Trade Mark Association (ECTA)

German Bar Association (DAV)

Cologne Bar Association (KAV)

Commentary on Sec. 8 German Trademark Act concerning the protectability of trademarks, in Kur/v. Bomhard/Albrecht, Legal Commentary on German and EU Trademark Law, 3rd Edition 2020

Internet related Issues in German Law, World Trademark Review, Februar/März 2009 (together with Martin Viefhues)

Germany’s Approach to Publicity and Image Rights, Word Trademark Review, September/October 2008 (together with Karl Hamacher)

Doctoral Thesis (on shareholder rights to information concerning the merger of stock companies), Cologne University, 2004

Introduction to Copyright Law, University Witten-Herdecke

German, English